Wellbeing Watches

Sourced: https://www.analyticsindiamag.com/understanding-ava-image-discovery-tool-used-by-netflix-to-power-its-content-posters/

As the weeks pass by during the country's lockdown response to the pandemic, it is not unusual to find yourself becoming more anxious, lonely and bored than normal. I have found myself endlessly scrolling through social media, or taking one too many sluggish naps. I also found myself struggling to know what to watch online. I usually base my choices off my mood, but when your mood becomes so subdued it's difficult to decipher what you might be up for or in need of! So in order to be a little helpful during this time, I have come up with a short list of Netflix recommendations that would be appropriate for this limbo period we are in. These suggestions are not anxiety-provoking and instead provide comfort for this unparalleled experience. What I'm mostly suggesting above all is to avoid watching films like Contagion that may spiral your mind into an unwanted panic! Instead, these films and television series may provide some relief and reflection.

Television Series 

Tidying Up with Marie Kondo 

If you weren't already familiar with her best-selling novel The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo has also worked with Netflix on a television series where she helps people from all walks of life de-clutter and transform their lifestyles for the better. If this lockdown has made you tidy crazy, or inspired a new vision for your space, this Netflix series is the perfect stream for you. Its relaxing nature and the calming narrator of Marie brings to light the importance of a tidy space equals a tidy mind. Who knew?! 

Stranger Things 

In light of the news of a potential parallel universe, perhaps you're longing for an alternative universe without a current pandemic and to escape into something much more interesting than scrolling through Instagram. Stranger Things is the 80s vibe sci-fi series brought to Netflix by the Duffer Brothers. This series follows a group of young boys investigating the mysterious disappearance of their friend in the fictional town Hawkins; what they end up finding is much more beyond their fantasy board games. If you're a fan of Spielberg or Stephen King, then this is definitely the series for you. It may be pretty spooky at times, but the aesthetics and brilliantly timed comedy provides relief for the perfect fantasy balance. A binge-worthy treat to escape into a fictional and supernatural world. 

Russian Doll 

Does it feel like Groundhog Day? A repetitive nightmare? The same routine, the same environment? Russian Doll is a comedy-drama with the incredibly talented Natasha Lyonne at the centre, who's character repetitively dies and is forced to relive her final night. This Netflix series adds a spice of comedy to a looped dread we can mostly relate to at present. The show has a wonderfully diverse cast, exceptional scripting and a soundtrack you won't be able to forget. All elements of this series come together to create an unforgettable and recurring dream. 


Ferris Bueller's Day Off

If you're furloughed like me or feel like your endless 'sick' days are passing by too quickly, you may enjoy this 80s comedy teen film. This film has the perfect mix of dazzle and delight to inspire the beauty of skiving! Ferris Bueller takes a day off from school and ends up in all sorts of predicaments, he lives his life to the fullest and one way or another escapes criticism. This feel-good film is the perfect pick-me-up and inspires viewers to seize the day, not matter what. 

The Martian 

Isolation is something everyone is experiencing on some level at the moment. Imagine being completely isolated on a planet, very far from home. The Martian, based on the book, tells the fictional story of an astronaut that has to experience just that. This comedy-drama space adventure gone-wrong is the watch for you! Starring Matt Damon, this film follows the many emotions you would expect from a man stuck in space all by himself. Surprisingly, there are many giggly moments throughout the film and the documenting monologues from Matt Damon's character render a very life-threatening situation to a relatable solo journey of dark humour and joyous discovery.

Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened

Are you in despair with the government's reaction to the pandemic? Do you feel at a loss with the cancellations of much-anticipated events for this year? Imagine a worldwide advertised event, a festival of dreams and luxury turned into a disaster that will leave jaws on the floor. This Netflix documentary film tells the true story of the failed Fyre Festival in 2017. This documentary is slick and agonisingly passionate in recounting the disasters surrounding the festival's organisation and associated fraud. It personally left myself with a grin of disbelief at the layers of catastrophe.

These are just a few of the many Netflix recommendations I could offer, but when regarding a pandemic-inspired stream, these may be some top choices. It's helpful to remind ourselves that there is no correct way to cope in this time, but that we can make small choices that might help. One of which would be what we choose to consume in terms of viewership. I've found comfort in familiar shows and comedic relief and I hope they suggestions may also provide the same. Stay safe, stay home and happy streaming!
